He(a)rding CATS is a space for open dialogue and play, where creative types can explore and share their observations, concerns and experience, with the intention of allowing new modes of thinking and practice to emerge.

This project aims to hone in on commonalities that resonate across different disciplines. After all, the creative impulse is as vast as one’s imagination and in its pursuit, we have more in common than one might realise. By uncovering these commonalities, we believe that each participant will have the opportunity to impart their hard-gained experience and in turn, glean new understandings to augment their perspectives. At its base, the proposition is simple; gather around a table, be welcome, and talk in good faith.

As it stands, the project has been ongoing since October 2021. Following the necessary exploration phase, and in the true spirit of the project, we allowed the format to emerge to its current instantiation of round-table discussions. We are moving swiftly towards the next and final stage of the project, where we will hold a few more round-table discussions, whilst also revisit ideas inspired by previous sessions in order to conduct specialised events.

If anyone reading this would like to participate in any form please drop us a line or two on [email protected].