Framing The ‘Fabric’

Ryan Falzon, Karsten Xuereb, Alexandra Pace, Pierre Portelli, Raphael Vella

Pages:  1 2  |  3

117 – Audience Participation 

Making the work accessible to a wider audience can mean employing mechanisms like humour. Is the reluctance to acknowledge works engaging in humour, a fruit of an emergent elitism stemming from higher education or is there a more practical reason for this cultural segmentation?

118 – Covid & The Garden 

At its best, creative exploration honestly tells the story of itself. This story emerges from the process of its creation and the experiences of its creator. This organic emergence is sometimes compromised when taken into a rigid framework with specified deliverables. How can we balance flexibility and process to tap into the best instantiations of the artistic process?

119 – Don’t understand anything

By homing in on the organic nature of the process, we can see how at its best the creative endeavour taps into the unknown and pulls from it some new perspective or understanding. The process is necessarily obscure because it deals with different degrees of abstraction. Likewise, accepting the uncertainty of where the experience might lead can help the audience experience the work itself in a more fulfilling manner.

120 – The Trap of Nostalgia 

There is no doubt in our minds that in general, the creative sector has grown into a better version of itself. But at the same time, it would be negligent not to look at the past with a prospecting eye to potentially glean some fresh understanding. How does one approach the double-edged sword of nostalgia?

121 – Of Critical Importance

Creators grapple with critical thinking perhaps more than the average person, but it is in no way exclusive to them. How can we foster this scalable skill nationwide? Furthermore, the nature of how tightly knit our space is, makes it harder to productively engage in critique. What kind of channels can we open up to help this manifest in a non-invasive manner?

122 – Happenings

We know the situation is getting better and whilst this is no reason to stop pushing for ‘progress’, it would be remiss to impart the impression of negativity. The core aspiration of this project is to set something, however small, in motion and let it ripple out naturally. And within that sentiment, there is an implicit hopefulness that possibilities are endless.

SESSION 01:  Framing The ‘Fabric’
Ryan Falzon, Karsten Xuereb, Alexandra Pace, Pierre Portelli, Raphael Vella